Serverless Rust

If you run your software in the cloud, you might have already done some Serverless programming – be it either as glue code that connects existing services or for your entire web API. But can we run Serverless workloads with Rust, our most favorite programming language, as well?

We can! In this talk, we are going to look at how to run serverless workloads in Rust in Azure Functions and AWS Lambda. In doing so, we will see the fundamental differences between both serverless providers, and what effect this has on your applications.


  • A basic understanding of web servers
  • Seen one or two introductory Rust talks


  • Get a deep understanding of AWS Lambda and Azure Functions
  • Know the right Rust crates to do serverless workloads on both of them
  • See the immediate benefits of using Rust for serverless workloads



Stefan Baumgartner
Stefan Baumgartner works at Dynatrace. He writes for Manning, and A List Apart and made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. Recently, he has published his second book "TypeScript in 50 Lessons" with Smashing Magazine. In his spare time, he co-organizes ScriptConf, DevOne, and the local Rust meetup in Linz, besides co-hosting the German language Working Draft podcast. Stefan enjoys Italian food, Belgian beer, and British vinyl records.


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